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A fully-equipped recording studio
built inside a
converted box truck

Located in Austin, TX

  • Instagram - White Circle




The space has many attractive features including dimmable overhead lighting, vintage-style acoustic tiles, upholstered and hand-stained walls, and heating/air conditioning.


The truck is powered using a regular 120V household outlet. Depending on power needs, two outlets on separate breakers may be required. In certain situations, a generator can be used.

Exterior Dimensions: 23'L x 9'W x 10'H

(additional 3' needed at rear of truck for entry)

Interior Dimensions:

Control Room - 6'L x 7'W x 6.5'H

Tracking Room/Lounge - 8'L x 7'W x 6.5'H

Cab Overhang - 2.5'L x 7'W x 28"H



Universal Audio preamps, channel strips, and converters


Neve 3115 channel strips


Altec 1567A tube mixing console (x2)


Microphones from Shure, AKG, RCA,

Beyerdynamic, and others


Pro Tools

Plug-ins from Universal Audio, Waves, Slate Digital, Soundtoys, and many more

Instruments/Amps from Fender, Gibson, Martin, Vox, and Ampeg



Because The Truck Studio can be used for such a wide variety of

events and activities, we encourage you to contact us for a detailed quote. Here are some basic guidelines to get you started:

You come to our south Austin location for recording/mixing:

Most projects will fall between $175-$250/day for recording.

Mixing can be as low as $100/song for basic demos

or $200+ for full band mixes.

We come to your Austin-area location for recording:

Rates will be similar to those listed above,

plus an additional fee for bringing the truck to you.

You rent The Truck Studio for your Austin-area event:

We are currently available for select events only.

Contact us to see if your event will be a good fit.

Prices will often start around $375-$500/day.

We are also able to partner with your music venue

for an extended residency. This is a great way to add a

green room and recording facility to your venue!


Austin, TX

© 2024 by The Truck Studio

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